Brinno Camera used to Catch Factory Illegally Disposing Waste Water

Brinno Camera used to Catch Factory Illegally Disposing Waste Water

📍Asia_ The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, has charged a Bento Factory with illegally...
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(Image source: CTS News)

The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, has charged a Bento Factory with illegally discharging waste water into Fengshan Creek. In order to collect evidence, a Brinno time lapse camera (MAC200DN) was set up secretly along the creek. After a few days of recording the EPA had enough footage to demand the factory cease its illegal disposal of waste water and charge them with breaking environmental protection law. 



The Brinno MAC200DN is a battery powered time lapse camera that does not require hardwiring to capture footage. It is small and easy to hide in any location that needs surveillance. There are many different capture modes including motion activation, scheduled, or 24/7. Batteries can last up to one year allowing you to set it and forget it until required. Various government agencies around the world have used the MAC200DN and other Brinno time lapse camera models, including the Japan Prefectural Police, Transport for London, Taiwan Forestry Bureau, and Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration.


More product info: Brinno MAC200DN

News source: CTS News Video